Psychosocial Recovery Coach.
At Inclusive Care Support Service, we will connect you with Psychosocial Recovery Coaches who speak your language, and understand your cultural needs.
– Our coaches work collaboratively with Participants who have a psychosocial disability, and their families, as well as carers, assisting them to better manage the complex challenges of day-to-day living.
– Our recovery coaches understand the centrality and importance of family and community in recovery.
– Our coaches listen to your personal goals, and assist you in understanding your needs, and they walk alongside you on your recovery journey.
– Our coaches will connect you to the relevant support services that will meet your needs.
– Our recovery coaches are qualified, highly experienced mental health professionals from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds.
For instance, our team of Aboriginal mental health professionals, with their unique Aboriginal cultural awareness, practise wholistically within the context of Aboriginal health, incorporating social and emotional wellbeing into recovery.
– Our culturally responsive service acknowledges the itinerant nature of Aboriginal people through flexibility of service boundaries, and care plans that follow the individual.